Ironclads Digital German Faction Pack

Sale price$14.00


Fearful that Germany might become trapped between France, its old enemy to the west, and the growing threat of Imperial Russia to the east, Kaiser Wilhelm II ordered the officer corps and colonial administrators to expand her territories outside her traditional borders. With little land of any great strategic or economic value left by the greedy British and French, a plan was presented to take Germany in a new direction—to the stars! The new navy required to pave the way to the other worlds would be christened the Kaiserliche Äthermarine (Imperial German Aether Navy).

The Ironclads Digital Edition: German Fleet Pack contains all the digital files to begin playing the German Aether Navy. Within this digital pack you will find the following files:

  • Ironclads Admirals Handbook PDF (Game Rules)
  • German Aether Navy Fleet Manual PDF (Faction Rules)
  • German Standard Gunboat Miniature STL (Supported & Unsupported)
  • German Standard Destroyer Miniature STL (Supported & Unsupported)
  • German Standard Cruiser Miniature STL (Supported & Unsupported)
  • German Standard Battleship Miniature STL (Supported & Unsupported)
  • German Armaments Pack - Guided Torpedo, Heavy Torpedo, Multiple Missile System Tracking Rocket Launcher (Supported & Unsupported STL files)
  • German Area Command Token set (Supported & Unsupported STL files)
  • Generic Armaments Pack - Light Cannon, Light Sword, Torpedo, Turret Gun, Chainsaw, Circular Saw, Grabbing Claw, Marine Armory, Mining Drill (Supported & Unsupported STL files)
  • Flight Stands - Small, Medium and Large (STL files)
  • Close & Short range measures (STL file)
  • Hulk Token (STL file)
  • Ironclads Movement Template (STL file)

Please Note: This is a digital product no physical product is shipped. A resin 3D printer is required.

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